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Histamine intolerance is a complex concept that can influence a wide range of conditions we treat in practice - e.g. atopic conditions like eczema and dermatitis, sinisitus, hormonal imbalances, migraine, vertigo & IBS.


It is a difficult concept for clients to understand... and learning how to modulate histamine through the use of diet and lifestyle changes is crucial for successful treatment!


The 'histamine bucket' concept is an excellent way to explain to your clients that they need not avoid all high histamine foods, but they need to look at preventing their 'bucket from overflowing'. 


This 2-page document contains an easy to understand diagram of the Histamine Bucket concept and a full-page list of low, moderate & high histamine foods.




Maintz, L & Novak, N. (2007). Histamine and histamine intolerance. Am J Clin Nutr, 85:1185-96

Histamine Bucket Concept

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